There are multiple lending options for people to choose from these days. Some people go to traditional banks and credit unions, try to tap their family and friends while others opt for payday loans. It’s okay to have temporary financial difficulties and not always people have enough savings to cover their unexpected expenses. Today, we are sharing with you one of the payday loan success stories of a borrower who used this lending option. Here is his story as well as his thoughts after taking it out.
Success Story of Payday Loan
This is a story about Tom Wisley from San Diego, California. He used to live within his means. Although he didn’t have sufficient savings on his bank account, he managed to support his family together with two kids. Many people tend to live from paycheck to paycheck these days and it seems to be normal. However, one day everything has changed. “Nobody ever wants their loved ones to get sick. But this is real life and it may be hard at times. My wife happened to have a medical emergency one day. The doctors didn’t know what’s wrong and couldn’t tell the right diagnosis so she had to undergo through numerous procedures and tests until they managed to tell what’s happened. We have health insurance but it didn’t cover all the medical expenses especially when we needed to consult with other doctors that were outside our network.”
Let’s get some insight into this common reason for borrowing money. A medical emergency has recently become one of the top reasons for people to borrow money as not every health insurance covers all the expenses. More than that, insurances cost a lot of money and people have to take this money out of their own pockets because companies usually don’t offer health care coverage.
Why I Chose Payday Loan Option
Tom could turn to various finance-related service providers as many other people. Yet, he opted for a payday loan. “Firstly, I decided to turn to the local bank and apply for a loan as I didn’t have enough savings to cover all the medical expenses and pay the bills. But when the paperwork started and they asked me for numerous documents I realized that I simply couldn’t waste the time for all that hassle. My wife needed the money urgently so we couldn’t wait for a few weeks. Also, it was always a 50/50 chance of getting approved. I’ve heard before about payday loan option as a friend of mine used it to pay for his vacation and said he was pleasantly surprised with the quick application process.”
The loan request process is really quick and easy with SameDayFin. It doesn’t require any hassle and tedious paperwork. Tom had just filled a simple online application form with his personal and banking details. Then, his application was sent to multiple direct lenders that were available in his area. He got prompt replies from some of them, and each lender offered their own rates and loan terms. “It was great that I could actually pick up among direct lenders and choose the most suitable option with the most reasonable rates. As a result, I received the money on my banking account as soon as the next business day, which was really great and saved so much time and nerves,” said Tom.
When Tom sent us his feedback, he also mentioned some reasons that turned out to be benefits of payday loans for paying bills as well as covering any other unexpected expenses. “I really liked the fact that payday lenders provide transparency regarding their fees. You know how much you take, you know the fees and the exact amount you will need to pay off. This is so much better and reliable than the fees in many banks I’ve gone to,” he mentioned.
Benefits of Payday Loans for Paying Urgent Bills
What does Tome suggest to other people who are experiencing the same financial difficulties? Well, here is his answer, “I was completely satisfied with my payday loan experience and I always could get the answer to any of my concerns throughout the whole repayment time due to a great customer support team. I believe there are many people out there who find themselves in a hard financial emergency because their health insurance doesn’t cover all the expenses. I wish there would be more business owners like Howard Schultz who owns Starbucks. You can read his incredible success story on the web. But what I find most interesting is that this is one of the first retail businesses that offers full health care coverage for its employees.”
If more people wanted to help improve other people’s lives, they wouldn’t need to borrow money. Otherwise, act wisely and opt for payday loans to solve any temporary emergency and stay afloat.